The so-called “Deep State” and “Shadow Government” are two often-sensationalized and misunderstood concepts that exist in the larger discourse of governmental structures and organizations. The Deep State and Shadow Government are not branches of government in the traditional sense, but often lumped together as forming a “fourth branch” of government due to their influence and involvement in the experience of citizens.
The term “Deep State” is rooted in Turkey and has since been applied to other nations, including the United States. In the U.S., the Deep State generally refers to a collection of all-powerful elites, such as those affiliated with government agencies and powerful private corporations, that form a network of people who, through their positions of influence and strategic partnerships, hold immense clout over national policymaking and affect society in myriad ways. Similarly, the “Shadow Government” is a secretive and powerful organization within the Deep State that has the same kind of clout and power, but is less visible due to its lack of formal structure and fewer avenues of accountability.
From the outside, citizens do not get to see the full picture of Deep State and Shadow Government operations, as they are largely conducted in the shadows. The implications of this fact are far-reaching, as policies crafted in these networks are often far removed from the purview of the public. Although we cannot see the implications of their work directly, the results can be observed in the way we experience our day-to-day lives and access to politics, media, and other resources and opportunities.
The real power of the Deep State and Shadow Government lies in their ability to craft regulations and policies which govern our lives without regular and consistent oversight by our elected officials. Often times, these regulations and policies can be what determines our ability to access resources, services, and employment opportunities. This exerts vast power over citizens by leveraging their direct involvement in the political system and beyond.
In sum, it is important to understand the concept of the “Deep State” and “Shadow Government” as a part of our larger political reality. Although these organizations are usually shrouded in secrecy, their impact on public policy is far-reaching and pervasive. As citizens, it is incumbent upon us to remain aware and mindful of the way they can affect our lives and our ability to access resources, services, and opportunities.
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